Braxton Senior Portraits

Braxton is a close friend of the family who I met through rodeo. I was excited when I learned that he wanted to do senior portraits and so we decided to incorporate welding and golf into the session. We also incorporated his dog, Smalls, into the session. I am so glad we did! We got some stunning shots that show this time in his life perfectly.

We went to his home in St. George, around Snow Canyon Park, and to Dixie Red Hills Golf Course.

We laughed a lot and had a blast during his session. He felt like a model with all the lights, softboxes, and cameras flashing!

After we finished the session we went to a BBQ restaurant in St. George then we did an image reveal in his home where he chose his favorite images.


Kaitlyn Maternity Portraits


Charles Jameson | Elko Newborn Photographer